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Trio MAXHematie Beaded Bracelets

2 PCS Black 2 PCS Black + 2 PCS Shadow 2 PCS Shadow Black Black + Shadow Shadow



See real results from our MAXHematie Beaded Bracelets.

Group14 2459cb65 f370 4d42 8dc0

Trio MAXHematie Beaded Bracelets was the best product I’ve ever purchased to help me with weight loss.I have wore it every day since I bought it. I have been using it now for two months and I’ve lost 54 lbs. It makes me lose weight like crazy I am amazed with this item and I have gone down two pants sizes since I purchased this item and started this weight loss adventure, I’m looking forward to everything that comes along with this. I guess it’s been a part of my motivation as well knowing that I’m going to loss of water weight or whatever ever weight that drops off of me because of this invention!” Greg Schneider

Seattle, United States

Group15 a2838f0c 6e52 43f2 af47

I love wearing bracelet but this one is very special because it is not just fashionable also very helpful. After I wore Trio MAXHematie Beaded Bracelets for 8 weeks, all my puffiness went away and as long as I take it regularly it doesn’t come back. My body detoxify so naturally and I lose 21 pounds of weight. I will keep using this since it really helps me on my weight loss journey too. Thanks Humanic”

Andres Neal
Denver, Ohio


The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory and immune systems and comprises a network of lymphatic vessels that carry a clear liquid called lymph to the heart.

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And these lymphatic vessels act as a giant drainage system for the body that needs to stay clear for it to work properly. Just like in your home if the drains are clogged in your toilet or sink, you can’t get rid of waste effectively-the same is true for your body. Stagnant lymph flow leads to waste and toxin buildup, weakening immunity and leading to a wide variety of health issues.


Hematite found in the 1980s with Michael Roy Davis, PhD, who studied the different effects that positive and negative charges have on human biology. Davis claimed that Hematite energy could kill malignant cells, relieve arthritis pain, and improve blood circulation.

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A total of 48 patients affected by lymphedema in stages II and III were treated. After therapy, a significant decrease in limb circumference measurements was noted, and an improvement in quality of life was registered. Laboratory examination showed the treatment decreased the deposition of fluid, fat, hyaluronan, and protein, improving the swelling condition. The researchers believe Hematite could be considered as both an alternative monotherapy and a useful adjunctive to conservative or surgical lymphedema procedures.

Group11 9e127a65 24d5 484d 993e


Blizzard Stone is connect directly to the bloodstream. It help our subconscious notice if part of our body isn’t receiving enough blood and make changes to the bloodstream as necessary. For men, in particular, this property positively impacts the hormone system and positive effects on its metabolism, digestive system, and enhancing masculine energy.

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Researchers from the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Body investigated the effect of Blizzard Stone on the lymphatic system where 15 trials were reviewed on crystal therapy’s benefit on lymph, which ultimately concluded that there was strong evidence for Blizzard Stone effectiveness in the management of lymphatic issues.

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  • Powerful Crystal energy than other minerals
  • Effective Body Detoxification
  • Reduce 85% of excess Lymph Fluid in 3 Months
  • Unclog Bloodstream and Lymph Nodes
  • Specially powered with high quality and raw hematite and obsidian.
  • Accelerate Metabolism
  • Natural solution for lymphatic drainage and weight loss
  • Provides a glamorous design that is guaranteed to go well perfectly

Check out Bobby Hampton 8-week weight loss journey

“I never really liked exercising, and it doesn’t help that I work long hours sitting in front of a computer every day. Because of that, my body suffered a lot of aches and pain, and it led me to become overweight. I just found this bracelets while scrolling through an online shop. For the 1st week of wearing this Bracelet, I lose 12 pounds already! ”

“So, for the 4th weeks, I really saw an incredible change! My body pains were slowly fading away. I felt healthier, and I lost about 35 lbs of weight too! It’s really amazing how crazy the difference is!”

“After 8 weeks of wearing it, I was astonished by the results! Because of the bangle, I’ve lost a total of 62lbs. My body feels fit, and more defined, free from bloat and toxins! I’m really happy I found the Trio MAXHematie Beaded Bracelets, it has really transformed my body and my life!”

Bobby Hampton
Coventry, United Kingdom

Group16 0765d199 4dc9 4321 9eca
“I feel like I’m finally happy and confident with myself and my body! I had slow metabolism before I wore Trio MAXHematie Beaded Bracelets, I know surgery isn’t the best choice for me, so I tried this bracelets. My tummy is gone after 8 weeks!If you’re struggling with fluid retention, puffiness, or weight loss, try this bracelets!”

Arturo Smith
Adelaide, Australia

Group9 303d244b e16d 44c3 bf73

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Trio MAXHematie Beaded Bracelets

Trio MAXHematie Beaded Bracelets


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